Etiqueta: Therapy

  • Hashtag

      Perfection implies such a painful cost. Eric is a young guy who happens to have everything: two perfect parents, a mansion in the most exclusive … Read more

  • From rupture to suture (De la ruptura a la sutura)

      Isabella Santo Domingo presents, in a fun way, with humor and much irony, the different phases of the emotional disaster called "spite". She warns us … Read more

  • Sexorcism (Sexorcismo)

    With high dosis of stark frankness, others of humor and very practical advices, Isabella Santo Domingo proposes 17 steps to free yourself from sexual dependence, but … Read more

  • Pakita: Stimulating, bitter and necessary (Sólo para Paquita)

    Pakita is the play´s main character. She is abandoned by her husband. The woman suffers this separation since she is madly in love with the man. … Read more

  • The luminous gift (El luminoso regalo)

    Víctor Dilan is a successful writer who does as  he pleases in a Spain that is mundane and  tasteless. A sex devotee, he holds a curious  … Read more

  • Out of mind (Fuera de quicio)

    Set in an asylum, this play tells the love adventures and misfortunes of the interns called Rosa, Antoñita, Antonio and Juan while the director turns into … Read more

  • Snakes and ladders (Del laberinto al 30)

    Don José is a psychiatrist. One day, an outlandish man barges in and the doctor mistakes him with a patient. The individual happens to be his … Read more

  • The double story of Doctor Valmy (La doble historia del doctor Valmy)

    The double story of Doctor Valmy exposes the case of Daniel Barnes, a torturer who, by castrating a detainee, self-punishes, despite himself, falling into sexual impotence. In … Read more

  • It is forbidden to commit suicide in spring (Prohibido suicidarse en primavera) (TV Series)

    This fantastic work portrays the "Home of the Suicidal" a clinic created by Dr. Ariel, who descends from a family in which men commit suicide when … Read more

  • The case of the man dressed in violet (El caso del señor vestido de Violeta)

    Roberto Zarzalejo in an eccentric bullfighter, quirky even for the most ordinary actions. Roberto suffers from a pathological syndrome, “the old lady complex”. With the arrival of … Read more

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