Élmer Mendoza

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co agency of Élmer Mendoza.

Élmer Mendoza, writer, playwright and journalist, is one of the greatest voices of contemporary Mexican literature. He is a pioneer and a representative of the so-called narco-literature, although he is also known for his children´s and short stories. He studied Electronic Engineering at the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico, but his passion for literature was so strong that he decided to quit his job as an engineer and become a writer. He returned to college, to the National Autonomous University of Mexico, to study literature.

Ever since then, he is considered the first writer to accurately capture the essence of the drug trafficking culture. Currently, he is a professor of literature at the Autonomous University at Sinaloa in Mexico, teaching numerous courses and reading workshops for both children and adults, as well as writing workshops for novelists. He is a member of the Mexican Academy of Language of the National System of Art Creators. He is a great educator and inspiration for up-and-coming novelists, and is a strong promotor and supporter of reading and cultural institutions.

Additionally, he collaborates in various newspapers and magazines.



Élmer Mendoza has more than a dozen published novels, five theater plays, several short stories and one chronicle. His work is highly acclaimed by critics and the public, and he is especially known for his creation of the famous ¨Lefty¨ (¨El Zurdo¨) Mendieta saga, one of the greatest literary characters in Mexico. He was awarded with the Tusquets de Novela Award, which made him a forerunner within the writers in Latin America. Thanks to his works, he has received prestigious awards, including the José Fuentes Mares National Award for Literature, the Sinaloa National Award for Literature and was a finalist for the Dashiell Hammett Award. 


What the critics have said:

“A fundamental figure in the Mexican narrative, Élmer Mendoza has traced literary paths through personal experience, local and national history, and intuition that thanks to his unique sensitivity he has been able to create these novels.” – Javier Moro Hernández, Desocupado (literary blog)

“Élmer Mendoza has been a breath of fresh air and originality since his first books were published; true to its origins, the Col Pop in Culiacán, he writes by ear, invents words, gives texture to his writing and creates endearing characters”. -Mónica Lavín El Universal México (Newspaper)