Monika Zgustová

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Zgustová was born in Prague. She lived for five years in the US where she studied comparative literature at the universities of Chicago and Illinois. She currently lives in Barcelona and writes for “El Pais”, “The Nation”, “CounterPunch”, “Granta” and is preparing a column for “The Wall Street Journal”.

As a translator of Czech and Russian literature – including Havel, Kundera, Hrabal, Hasek, Capek, Seifert, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Dostoevsky and Babel – Zgustova is credited with bringing major twentieth-century writers into Spanish and Catalan audiences. She got the prestigious “City of Barcelona” (Spain) and “Masaryk” (Czech Republic) awards for her translations. She is the co-author of the Russian-Catalan dictionary.

She has lectured in multiple European universities and cultural centres (Paris, Frankfurt, Berlin, Prague, Warsaw, Brussels, Barcelona, Madrid, Prague, Vienna, Bucharest, Moscow, St Petersburg, Tbilisi, Budapest…), as well as in American, Canadian and Latinamerican universities.



Monika Zgustova is an author who has won several major awards (including the “Calamo” and “Amat-Piniella” awards for the best novel of the year, as well as the “Merce Rodoreda” award for short stories). Her literary works (eight books of fiction, three of non-fiction, and a play) have been published in ten languages.