Paula Ramos

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Paula Ramos.

Paula Ramos is the new revelation author of the Spanish romantic novel. She has a degree in Fine Arts and Design and combines these two great passions with writing. She has published numerous novels in a wide range of genres, from fantasy to romance.



Paula Ramos is a bestselling author who rose to fame with her bilogy Firmado Abril, which has sold tens of thousands of copies. Her works are very well received by the public, something that is reflected in her social networks, where she creates and shares content for her thousands of followers.


What the critics have said:

“Paula’s writing is addictive and approachable, she has something that makes you unable to put the book down and empathize with the characters.” Goodreads

“Paula Ramos has become a sure hit, and undoubtedly has a place in my top of favorite national authors.” Goodreads