Etiqueta: Economic crisis

  • Diary of a Young Broke Rich Woman (Diario de una mujer rica sin dinero)

    Starting from scratch after having had the world at your feet.     Leonor's life was easy and carefree. She lived a “boujee” life, focused on … Read more

  • The Hive

    The most ironical and faithful testimony of postwar Madrid.   In postwar Madrid, a bustling human hive struggles to eat warm food, avoid the cold, satisfy … Read more

  • The Loan (El crédito) (TV Movie)

    Available on TVE A la carta  Loan me 3000 euros, or I’ll sleep with your wife. In our civilized world, when you need money you go to … Read more

  • Foul Play – Original Project

    Petra Walker is a prestigious psychology and author of several self-help books. Alexéi Volshteyn, the chief of the London United Football Club, wants to hireWalker to … Read more

  • Don’t call home (No llames a casa)

      When blackmail backfires.     Bruno, Raquel and Cristian are an atypical trio. They are three hustlers, consumers of drugs and alcohol, and bar crawlers. … Read more

  • The outside world (El mundo de afuera)

    How to turn a fairy tale into a story of monsters The outside world takes place in Medellin. There, the time comes wrapped in a haze, … Read more

  • Back to Front (De atrás para adelante)

    The Goldberg family is going through an economic crisis, their factory and house have been seized. All that Simon Goldberg, the patriarch, has built is now … Read more

  • Don Juan’s insanity (La locura de Don Juan)

    Don Juan's insanity is the story of a man, head of a family, who decides to pretend insanity in order to put a stop to his family’s … Read more

  • The prize of Nicanor (El premio de Nicanor)

    A few days before Christmas holidays, in a humble home, the day of the Christmas lottery, Isidoro and his wife get into a serious conflict with … Read more

  • No offence, Beatrix (No te ofendas, Beatriz)

    Beatrix and Javier are a couple that does not love each other. In the spring of her youth, Beatrix’ parents make her get married to a broke aristocrat. … Read more

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