Etiqueta: 80s
The Instant We Have Left (El instante que nos queda)
Nobody spoke to me about you (Nadie me habló de ti)
Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar (Amando a Pablo, odiando a Escobar)
The palace of justice (El palacio de justicia)
Los parques de atracciones también cierran
The silenced ones (Los silenciados)
Los Farad (Serie TV)
Pixelated memories (Memorias pixeladas)
Honor: The other victims of the Marquises of Urquijo Murder Crime (Honor: Las otras víctimas del crimen de los marqueses de Urquijo)
The truth behind one of the most well-known crimes in Spain. On the night of August 1st, 1980, the marquises of Urquijo were shot while […]
Ulises 2300
Does being good at something make you passionate about it? In the 1980s, Salomón "Crazy Horse" Narváez, a university professor and a chess lover, […]