Subgénero: Familiar
The Perfect Mum (Mamá perfecta – original project)
While you slept, you sang (Mientras dormías, cantabas)
Los parques de atracciones también cierran
Julia is well (Julia está bien)
The Noble Family (Nosotros los nobles)(Film)
Mexican film based on The Great Madcap, by Adolfo Torrado. When German Noble, a manipulative and powerful businessman realizes that all his children: Javi, Barbara and […]
The weed grannies (Las abuelas del canuto)
You can call them "Narco-Grandmas”. At a certain age, one thinks the rest of their life will be a peaceful stroll. But that's not the case […]
And Rapunzel cut off her hair (Y Rapunzel se cortó la melena)
¿Quién dijo que las princesas necesitan ser rescatadas? Cada día, a las diez de la mañana, las criaturas del bosque se alejan de la torre […]
The Bridesman
El pasado llama a tu puerta. Micha es un expatriado israelí residente en Los Ángeles, donde lleva una vida tranquila y trabaja como escritor fantasma. Un […]
Horchata Blood (Sangre de horchata)
In the face of family drama, blood cold like horchata. Belén Alba is sixteen years old and lives in a modernist palace in one of […]
Moss (Musgo) (Film)
Man’s best friend will be the last to lose hope. Moss is a dog who, not understanding why wars happen, has witnessed how his home […]