Etiqueta: Mafia

  • In Her Blood (En la sangre)

    Champagne and crime.   Eva Valverde lives in Barcelona, has two degrees and wears Prada. Years ago, she stole her first laptop from a table in … Read more

  • The Red Diamond Saga (Saga Diamante Rojo) (Serie TV)

    Kill the Queen | The Last Tower | Death to the King       How far would you be willing to go for revenge?   … Read more

  • The Merchant of Death (El mercader de la muerte)

    The luxurious story of the assistant to the leading weapon trafficker in 20th century Europe.      Monaco, 1930s. Spanish journalist José Ortega travels to Montecarlo … Read more

  • I am the Spider (Yo soy el araña)

    A young policeman believes he is a superhero and faces corruption in his city.  When Pedro Pérez woke up that morning, he thought the only ¨dangerous¨ … Read more

  • Saga The Parasite Chronicles (Saga Crónicas del parásito)

    The Parasite´s Strategy | Instruction Manual for the End of the World | The Zulú Hour An artificially intelligent computer virus threatens to destroy mankind. Not … Read more

  • Covert Miami – Original TV Series Project

    Based on the life of undercover agent Izzy Vega. Covert Miami is based on the life of the successful undercover Cuban-American detective Izzy Vega, and his … Read more

  • All for the Homeland (Todo por la patria)

    The disappearance of a soccer player who broke the country. Buenos Aires, 1933. Crisis peaks, hopelessness spread, soccer comes to the rescue. But the most expensive … Read more

  • Under Rome’s Purple Sky Saga (Saga Bajo el cielo púrpura de Roma)(TV Series)

    Passion | Treason | Colapse | Challenge | Mafia Killing or dying. There is no other option. Kathia Carusso, a young girl from one of the most … Read more

  • Oedipus the Bullfighter (Edipo Torero)

    In 2030, Spain is in a political atmosphere in which the animal rights activism has been incorporated into the penal code. As a consequence, Jacinto, also … Read more

  • The Network (La Red)

    PITCH: During the last months, in Spain, a high number of cases of kidnaps and hostages perpetrated by mobs from the East of Europe and Latin … Read more

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