Etiqueta: Survival

  • Saga Óleo sobre tabla 24×32

  • The bad wife (La mala esposa)

  • The unworthy ones (Las indignas)

  • Diary of a nutcase (Diario de una chiflada)

    ¿Cómo sobrevivir a la adolescencia? Ada, una chica de doce años, está de luto: tras tres maravillosos meses de verano, es hora de empezar el instituto. … Read more

  • Caracol Beach (Film)

    Walking towards tragedy, to the beat of Caribbean trova.   Beto Milanés is a Cuban exiled soldier living in Florida, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder … Read more

  • Janis Joplin’s lover (El amante de Janis Joplin)

    The Mexican Forrest Gump. David Valenzuela is known as the “town idiot”, and at 20 years old he has missed out on the normal experiences for … Read more

  • Moss (Musgo) (Film)

    Man’s best friend will be the last to lose hope.   Moss is a dog who, not understanding why wars happen, has witnessed how his home … Read more

  • The last night at Tremore Beach (La última noche en Tremore Beach) (TV Series)

     Everything seems perfect… Until the night of the great storm.   Peter Harper is a prestigious soundtracks composer who, after a traumatic divorce, moves to a … Read more

  • Dying by killing (Morir Matando) (TV Series)

    A terrible massacre leaves a girl orphaned and a violent hitman becomes her protector.   The media called it "the Piñata Massacre." On August 13, 2018, … Read more

  • Alone At The Top

    The further you go, the closer you’ll be to oblivion.   A man awakens from a restful sleep when, suddenly, he is assaulted by a disturbing … Read more

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