Projects in
development and production
We oversee the largest portfolio of adaptations in the development and production phase
Cómo perderlo todo (Serie TV)
Brown (Marrón) (TV Series)
Moss (Musgo) (Film)
Near You (Cerca de ti)
David Ribas Series
The Hernández Detectives Saga (Saga detectives Hernández)
Thermal Sensation (Sensación térmica) (Film)
The Arrow Collector Saga (Saga El coleccionista de flechas) (TV Series)
Human Sacrifices (Sacrificios humanos) (Film/TV series)
Cockfight (Pelea de gallos) (TV series)
I Spit on your Grave (Escupiré sobre vuestra tumba) (Serie TV)
The last night at Tremore Beach (La última noche en Tremore Beach) (TV Series)
Dying by killing (Morir Matando) (TV Series)
Even the Darkest Night (Terra Alta) (TV Series)
Abad and Barroso Saga (Film / TV Series)
The wars of General Omar Torrijos. (Las guerras del general Omar Torrijos) (Film)
How to acquire rights?
If you are interested in acquiring the rights to a work, complete the following form and we will contact you shortly.