Etiqueta: Ecology

  • Of cattle and men (De ganados y hombres)

  • The sun will shine tomorrow (El sol brillará mañana)

      El amor, la familia y el mar.     Clara, una joven de 20 años, acaba de perder a su madre, se siente perdida y … Read more

  • Sara’s Bones (Los huesos de Sara)

    Some secrets should never be unearthed.   Nahuel Donaire, a journalist from the newspaper El Popular, has the mission of writing an article about the most … Read more

  • Varvara

    A whale’s logbook. This adventure of a whale-lady on her long journey across the Pacific Ocean is inspired by a true story. In 2015 scientists measured … Read more

  • This Emptiness that Boils (Este vacío que hierve)

    Secrets are hidden underground.   The story takes place in 2030, Karina is a twenty-five-year-old physicist who is currently working on a new theory of universal … Read more

  • Ecoterrorists (Ecoterroristas)

    What are you willing to do to fight climate change?       Bianca is a teenager who is finishing high school. To earn some money, … Read more

  • The Candidate: A Political Thriller (El candidato: Un thriller político)

    Guilt outsells innocence.   Lázaro Arnau, one of the most respected businessmen in Castellón, Spain decides to run for national elections. He leads Green Sprouts, a … Read more

  • The Messenger of the Forest (La mensajera del bosque)

    Death lurks the streets and nature has taken over.   Cris Stoian awakens in a room surrounded by nature. She is unsure of how she got … Read more

  • Pepita

    A surrealist comedy about dignity. In a bucolic and parched town called Riocochino, devastated by the closure of the mine, a handful of souls survive under … Read more

  • Saga President by Surprise (Saga Presidenta por sorpresa)

      President by Surprise | Suddenly Disobedient She wanted to be class delegate but became president of the nation. Marta Chacras is 13 years old and … Read more

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