Rodolf Sirera

Scenic Rights is the audiovisual co-agency of Rodolf Sirera.

 Rodolf Sirera Turó (Valencia, 1948) is a important screenwriter and playwright. He’s the most outstanding author in Catalan language and the most influential dramatist in this community. He’s author of more than forty plays, all a popular and critical success, translated into different languages such as English, French, Polish and Greek, premiered in different countries too. He’s made new versions of the classics (Ibsen, Pirandello, Camus…), and translated them. He’s also written screenplays and TV series.



He’s member of the Valencian Performing Arts, Cinematography and Music Institute’s Council (ISEACV) and member of the Director’s Board in the Spanish Association of Playwrights (AAT). He’s part of the Board of Directors of the Scenic Arts Spanish Academy.

He has received and extraordinary number of decorations, among which, stand out: the Carlos Arniches Theatre Prize, the Ciutat de Barcelona Prize, the Ciutat de Valencia Prize for Criticism, Born Theatre Prize and, four times, the Serra D’Or Critics’ Prize. He has received the most distinguished of all prizes: the National Theatre Prize of Catalunya and the MAX Theatre Award in two occasions.